We've also been planning our upcoming road trip out east! We plan on leaving Friday, driving straight through to Mike's parents in Rhode Island spending some time out there, then heading up to Mike's Dads in Maine. It's hard to think about being gone for over a week with everything that's going on, but hopefully we get some good chill time.
In other big news I have an interview while we are out East. It's with a company that will be opening a branch here in Evanston around November 1. The job is more operational to start and would be a career shift out of the corporate retail world which I welcome with open arms. We'll see how it goes!
Now that we are somewhat settled I thought I'd post a few pictures of the new place. Keep in mind the walls are rather interesting, the landlord was very proud of the when he showed us the place, so once the dust has settled we will be asking him if we can paint!! Here they are!
Living Room
Office area, we get our new desk tomorrow, so excited!!
Dixie, but more importantly the new pillows I splurged on.
Kira in her new favorite spot
Eating Area
Second bedroom and current home of random stuff
70's bathroom, the one I scrubbed for hours, even though it was clean because moving into a brown bathroom is kind of a nightmare
Bedroom which I cannot wait to paint.
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