i have been busy, busy, busy lately. between work, raising a new kitten and my upholstery class i have had zero time. i suppose that's a good thing but right about now i could use some veg time. in fact i am writing this blog from my bed at 10:25 on friday night. ok, i'll admit, it is partly because i am trying to trick my body into falling asleep early since i have to get up at 7:30 tomorrow, waaaah.
i have had so many blog posts running through my head lately but just haven't found the time... so we'll do a little catching up here. hopefully next week i can get back on track!
a couple weekends ago mike and i went to iowa for our annual decook/brown tradition, the brew haha. the brew haha is a beer fest that takes place every september in iowa, the brew stands for the beer tastings that take place with several tasty vendors, the haha is well, because they have comedians performing while you peruse the the tastings! it is always a blast. unfortunately jeff could not make it this year and mike had a bad cold, and it was sprinkling on and off all day. that didn't stop us and we still managed to have a great time. of course i had camera in tow:

afterwards jeff joined us and we continued our tradition with dinner at huckleberry's. the BEST pizza place in iowa! something about beer all day and then gorging on pizza, sigh, you just can't beat it!
some other exciting things have been happening. little purrl is growing up, and slooowly being introduced to her family. we have 4 pets now people, we are borderline animal hoarders! they haven't all taken to each other as nicely as we hoped. purrl is so sweet and fearless, i am afraid the others are going to ruin her. dixie just wants to pounce on her and play, kira just growls and hisses, and finn wants to eat her. it's been a challenge to say the least. purrl gets to come out of her room and be with the others a few hours every day. we keep increasing the time every few days and they all seem to be getting a little more comfortable, sort of.

dixie is just obsessed with purrl. i call purrl her little white baby. hopefully things continue to get better, four pets are a LOT of work.
lastly, i am coming up on the last week of my upholstery class. i have had so much fun and really learned a lot. i will miss my class so much, what will i do on tuesday and wednesday nights? o blog. i will post a recap of my class and pictures of all my projects soon. hopefully i can talk the instructor into starting an intermediate class!
and p.s, after 6 years i FINALLY figured out how to thread my brand new, never used sewing machine! whoo hoo!