A year ago I would never have thought I'd be spending my weekend in Northampton, MA for work. Let's be honest though, a year ago I committed career suicide by taking, what I thought would be a good job, for a podunk company. What was I thinking? I am in a much better place these days and really enjoying my time out East, 10 days to be exact.
I've been going through some training and actually went to a job site on Thursday and Friday, probably returning on Monday as well. So far, I've been getting to know my new coworkers and working hard cataloging a fabulous closet. I feel so fortunate to gain this experience. The work is much more hands on than I am used to and I feel like the knowledge I acquired in college and throughout my career is really coming in handy! It's a great feeling.
It hasn't all been work out here. I've been able to explore the downtown area of Northampton. It's so quaint and progressive. There are a lot of great shops, restaurants and interesting buildings. Thursday night I had an excellent sidecar at the Tunnel Bar, it was an interesting place and used to actually be the home to a passenger train line.

Today, after waking up at 11:30, I went to see a movie at a super cute theater downtown, 500 Days of Summer, loved it! After I did some browsing among the shops. Tomorrow I might be going to an antique show with a friend who lives in the area!
I've really been enjoying myself out here aside from missing my sweetie and babies, that's been a little rough but between chat, and texting and the phone we are managing.