If you have or haven't talked to me recently you may or may not know that I have been very stressed and burnt out. I spent most of the Fall training for my new job, then the holidays kicked in and then my job got CRAZY!! I told my husband recently that I feel like I haven't talked to him in forever, I've just been on auto pilot lately and not really by choice.
This weekend was all about resting, relaxing, having some fun and, most importantly, being at home!!
Friday night I had a kick ass dinner at one of my favs, The
Chicago Diner an all vegetarian diner. I worked an 11 hour day in the burbs and when I got home at 7 I was starving. I had the radical reuben, Mike had the philly cheese steak and for dessert we split a piece of vegan carrot cake that was so, delicious. While we were dining we learned that on Monday TLC will be at the diner doing a segment on the radical reuben for a new TV show. Looks like I chose a winner!
Saturday we slept in as much as Dixie would allow. I made my way to the couch where I watched bad TV I'd DVR'd and took a nap. It was wonderful, I was seriously so tired and really needed the extra sleep. Around 9 we got a little stir crazy so we went out for a drink at Late Bar. It was 80's night so we even danced a little, mostly just me.
Sunday Mike and I were super hungry when we woke up so we decided to try out a neighborhood restaurant Mike had been eyeing for some time,
John's Place. I had the Roscoe Village omelet which had leeks, tomatoes, goat cheese, roasted garlic and zuchinni. It was great! Mike had the omelet of the day and he enjoyed his as well.
After brunch my sweetie was nice enough to chauffeur me around so I could run in and out of a few stores to pick up some things I've been wanting. First, I made a stop at the Coffee and Tea Exchange. I have really been getting into tea lately and wanted to buy the loose leaf type. I spent some time with the great saleswoman sniffing teas and making some concoctions. I also purchased a diffuser. I selected three types to try: chamomile and lemon peel, mango organic green tea and apricot orange herbal. So far I have tried the chamomile and the apricot and let me tell you, these are AMAZING. Never will I buy a bag again. If you go on
their website you can take a look at some of the tasty tea concoctions!

Next stop was the Body Shop were I picked up some new lotions that I was in need of. I chose a raspberry body butter and hand lotion and a almond spray lotion. I love the Body Shop. The fragrances are not as overwhelming as Bath and Body.
After a much needed grocery trip to Trader Joe's Mike dropped me off at home and he headed out to watch some football. I have very much enjoyed my alone time today, I baked some cookies, drank my new tea and even watched a movie, Revolutionary Road, never mind that it was a downer.
All in all this weekend is just what I needed. Let's just hope this work week is a calm one!!