Last week we went to Handlebar again,I have blogged about this place many times before, it is one of my fav vegetarian places. I tried something new this time. I believe it was called the green meanie sandwich. It was so, so good and fresh! It had a goat cheese spread and avocado, two of my favs and these amazing, huge sprouts. I have to figure out what these are because they are not your average sprouts. I also ordered it with a fantastic side salad!
Another thing that comes with the season is beer! It never fails, spring comes and I just crave beer. Mike and I have become very fond of Stone Brewery out of Cali lately. Mike and I were at Long Room, one of our fav local bars, the first week they had Stone available, we tried the IPA and loved it. The next time we went back we had, what I now say is my favorite beer of all time, Sublimely Self Rightous Ale. The beer is so delicious, and I have been back several times to indulge since!
Beer Advocate gave it an A-, not too shabby!
Poured from bomber into a tulip glass.
Appearance: Pours almost a stout like black with one finger of fluffy tan head that settles after a bit.
Smell: Citrus and piney hops, smokey malt and some chocolate notes.
Taste: Bitterness from the hops hit at first, followed by burnt malt, coffee and a dry finish.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, well carbonated and slightly hot.
Drinkability: A very enjoyable beer from Stone. I had this when it was the Anniversary beer and loved it then. Extremely glad they brought this back, at $6 a bomber, this is a great deal.
Serving type: bottle
Last, but not least, we recently made out way back to the Killer Margarita. These strawberry banana babies speak for themselves!! Ahhhh, summer!
and some love from the bug
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